One week down!

It’s been a little over a week since Ziggy came home from surgery. Other than watching him sleep a lot, giving him medications and helping him get places he’s been pretty much his normal pre-surgery self. On occasion we have had to calm him down because he wants to jump and run. He’s feeling sooooo good in fact that yesterday he decided he was going to go for it. My mom turned around to turn on a light and when she turned back around there was Ziggy on the sofa bed! Little did we expect that while she turned around he would JUMP on the bed. The real problem came afterwards trying to get him down. He decided he liked it so much that he was going to lie down and refuse to move.

We turned around for five seconds and this happened.
We turned around for five seconds and this happened.
Then he decided he was going to lay down.
Then he decided he was going to lay down.

All this being said – he’s doing great! Today he spent an hour outside on his favorite patch of the yard and did some exploring. Every now and then I almost have to remind myself of what has happened to our family this month. Ziggy’s strength and resiliency just blows me away.

Ziggy loves this spot on the yard. Here he can catch the breeze while staying in the shade.
Ziggy loves this spot on the yard. Here he can catch the breeze while staying in the shade.

The wait continues…

This week we should find out the final results of Ziggy’s biopsy. We are anxiously awaiting for the official diagnosis to find out if it was really osteosarcoma or just a random infection. While we are not getting our hopes up, there is a part of us that is hoping that it is not cancer. Whatever the final diagnosis is, we are ready for it!

We got this! #elreyziggy
We got this! #elreyziggy






6 thoughts on “One week down!”

  1. ZIGGY!! You are a naughty boy jumping up in the sofa like that!! Silly boy!! But ya’ know what, we are all secretly applauding you because we know how happy that made you…and your humans!!

    It sounds like Ziggy is ahead of the curve in the recovery process. He still has to rest, etc, but it sounds like his pain is managed well and he’s really getting his sparkle back!

    I like how he has a “wrap” to protect his incision. And he looks handsome in it! Of course, he IS a very handsome boy anyway! 🙂

    And remember, a “diagnosis”‘means NOTHING to Ziggy! He could care less about any medical reports or days in a calendar!

    He DOES care about soaking up all that loving and spoiling you are giving him…a d he cares about being on the sofa whenever he wants!!

    Thanks for the great update! Keep ’em coming!


    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

  2. He sure is a handsome boy! They really are resilient, aren’t they? For a little while, anyway, make sure he doesn’t overdo it – even though it will make you happy to see him return to his old self, you don’t want any setbacks. Good luck as you both move forward.

    Paula and Nitro

  3. As soon as the staples came out, Otis was up on the sofa. I had piled it high with pillows and other items to keep him off. He moved just enough stuff to make room for himself. I knew he was feeling better and I just left him there – he was so happy!

  4. Hi lovely to read your blog as my Esta had her front leg amputated and it’s great to see that we are not the only ones going through this uncertainty as hers was done because of suspected cancer not been easy as like your Ziggy she is a big dog Fingers crossed for both of our gorgeous dogs x

  5. Wow sounds like Ziggy is off to a great start on his recovery! As others have said rest is still very important (and sometimes very difficult) to ensure when they are feeling so good so soon! Kylie overdid it a couple times early on and we paid for it for two days later with sore muscles and limping. 🙁 Keep the love and cuddles coming though! Ziggy needs lots and lots of those! Great update so far! Can see
    It on your face how happy u are! Keep the updates coming!
    Chris & Kylie

  6. Something tells me nothing is going to stop your crazy Ziggy from getting what he wants. That’s the spirit! Haha. well, to a point of course. You’re doing a great job managing his recovery. And whatever the biopsy says, you’ve gotten the hardest part behind you. Congrats!

    We’ll be waiting for news so keep us posted OK?

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